Mr. Greig D. W. Aitken and
Mrs. Tonie M. Wallace Aitken
Greig D. W. Aitken and Tonie M. Wallace Aitken purchased the buildings and the 237 acres of property from the Missionary Servants of the Most Holy Trinity in 2001. At first, the Catholic Church was reluctant to sell the land, but after much prayer and persuasion, finally agreed.
Since then, Historic Jordan Springs serves as the region’s only all-inclusive event and cultural centre, as well as the corporate headquarters of their privately owned companies, County Court Reporters, Inc., Court Reporting Consultants, Advanced Legal Technologies, LLC and Historic Jordan Springs, LLC.
Historic Jordan Springs Estate in Jordan Springs, Virginia, is a unique blend of beauty, luxury, and cultural activity. The surrounding 237 acres of the estate lend lends itself to a natural sanctuary of a retreat-like environment.

"Our Lady of Lourdes" statue placed in a natural stone Grotto by the Monks remains today and is visited by many.
Marked by Tranquility and Peace
Greig and Tonie consider their ownership as a sacred trust.
“My passion for this magnificent property has deepened intensified, and I am more protective of it as each day goes on. Nearly everyone that visits this property comments on its tranquility and the sense of peace that comes over them.” says Wallace-Aitken.